what to talk about during preference round

what to talk about during preference round

what to talk about during preference round

Do you feel comfortable with them? With that being said, though, since this last day of recruitment is more formal, be prepared to talk about deeper, or more vulnerable, topics. Since you have already visited some sorority houses, you will have more time to talk to the sisters. Preference Day, better known as "Pref Day", is the third and last day of formal recruitment. There are always sorority women around to help you and to answer your queries. This lack of information leaves many potential new members feeling behind on preparing for sorority recruitment, missing important information, having a disadvantage. What was your biggest fear in regard to joining a sorority? Ask questions that measure their empathy and open-heartedness. Describe your sorority chapter in 5 words. Please check your user ID. When you open up about your life, the member notices you have a lot in common. Vote on both of the sororities. Throughout the Recruitment process, it is important to keep an open mind as to what chapter you want to join. If you could be anywhere else right now, where would you be? Do keep your purse stocked. 10. I truly hope this guide on Preference Round of sorority recruitment has given you a wholesome idea of what to expect and how to make the most of this final round of recruitment. Our goal is to help you succeed no matter where your college journey takes you. The potential new members are confused yet determined. I also highly recommend following and engaging the event organizer on social media prior to submitting a speaker proposal. Your confidence will radiate. It is a YES (the best score they can give) or NO (the worst score they can give) vote. Take this opportunity to find out more information about the activities, programs, and members of the chapter, and expect to learn about each chapter's unique sisterhood. However, dont let this scare or weird you out! Are you going to see the Fifty Shades of Grey movie? What are some ways your sorority interacts with the Greek community on campus? What made you want to go through recruitment? So be proud of yourself about how far you have come and rejoice knowing that Bid Day, the best day ever, is only a few hours away! But if both chapters bid on you, you will only receive the bid you ranked number 1, so take your time ranking and be sure that number 1 is the chapter you want. A sorority house is full of girls doing fun activities like dancing, partying, and planning events. Situation #1. Then, Tri Alpha sends this list to Panhellenic. You will have a clear answer to, What are you looking for in a sorority? You will connect to the members you talk to during Pref. Theres a lot you have to weigh as theres pros and cons to each sorority chapter you have met throughout recruitment. When you vote on both sororities, you are guaranteed a bid to one of the sororities. The beauty of sorority recruitment is that the women you speak to are simply trying to get to know you and figure out if youll be a good addition to their Sisterhood. The preference night (a pref night) is the final round of the rush week, where you will get to know your chapters sorority. . All requirements to register are listed on the registration page. They want you to join and be able to find immediate friends. If you are struggling with this decision, dont be afraid to ask a Recruitment Counselor or a member of Panhellenic Council to help you weigh your options. Three adjectives friends would use to describe her or she would use to describe herself to someone new. Would you rather see your second choice on your bid day card OR get the phone call? As an Amazon Associate we earn from qualifying purchases. How does your sorority promote scholarship? You have two options. How did you meet your sorority big or sorority little? But in general, youll most likely hear speeches and singing from Sorority Sisters of that chapter. How did you overcome it? It also has some talking points like your hometown and major. What was the biggest shocker to you when you joined a sorority? Before this event, you will have ranked the chapters you are most interested in. This will be where you get your first round of cuts. It doesnt mean you did anything wrong or wont get a Bid! This is key! And if the sororities at your university participate in Dance Marathon you can ask questions related to that event too. You can pull things from your closet or buy new things. Regardless of which category you fall into, its important you use your resources to your advantage when making this decision while also staying true to yourself. How can new members get involved with your chapters philanthropy? Can you wear one-shoulder tops and dresses? They want to know if you like the sorority. The conversations are very casual and are used as a first impression. Youll also be instructed by your Recruitment Counselor to stay as quiet as possible between rounds out of respect for other PNMs making the decision of who to put as their #1 pick. Will the ladies here support you to be the best version of yourself? Yes! How Much Does It Cost To Be In A Sorority? The list has every woman who attended the Pref ceremony on it from best to worst score. For example, a blouse, a dress, heels, etc. Focus on the aspects of each that give back to a philanthropy that interests you or resonates with you the most. However, if you are paired with a Sister you have never met before, dont fret. Start thinking about whether or not each chapter would be a good fit for you. Each sorority wants to see that you put in an effort and didnt just roll out of bed. Registration opened on December 3rd and is open until February 11th at 11:59 pm. A lot of advice is too general, comes from first-year members, and is outdated. This round has longer conversations and fewer chapters, meaning that you get to know the chapters a lot better. Ask about the personal aspects of the chapter. 6. Save this blog post to read or refer back to later by clicking the Pinterest share button below this image. How do sorority women create a sisterhood after graduation? But at the same time, dont be afraid to show off your personality through your outfit, hair, makeup, and accessories while keeping it classy too meaning nothing to revealing or distracting from your personality and conversation. What is the availability of housing? As you might know, in . It is rude to check the time during rounds and certain parts of sorority rituals may be shown during rounds, especially preference round, that should remain a secret. By maximizing your options, you are guaranteed a bid. But then a senior sorority sister approaches you, and you tell her that you are interested in sorority recruitment. What's your favorite TV show to marathon? It would turn me off (even if they already had all the right answers at the beginning of the interview). What Do You Talk About During The Preference Round with Sorority Members? Don't: Worry About About Being Overdressed. They need to know how you feel so they can vote correctly! If you would be happy, or at least open to getting a bid to either Sorority A or Sorority B, you do not want to single preference vote. Pref is structured in a different way than the other rounds. If you just cannot foresee yourself in Sorority B and know its 100% not right for you, dont list it. At the end of this round, you will rank the chapters. How can new members get involve with the chapter from the start? Many sororities are on the lookout for new members and want to spread awareness. How have you personally benefitted from joining a sorority? 4. Its a huge decision and choosing the wrong sorority could lead to regret, stress, and even the desire to drop your sorority. You will visit all 19 chapters during Open House. You have to be honest with the members. Since you are too far down on the list and guaranteed a bid, you receive a bid to your #2 choice, Delta Nu. This is the first and most informal round during which you can learn about the sororities in your college. By asking a sorority sister questions you are showing genuine interest in their sisterhood. Also, typically the members do most of the talking for this round. On the other hand, if you walk into sorority recruitment worrying that you are going to be dropped or feeling like you will not find the right sorority for you, you will be hard to stand out from the other women. You can also ask more fun questions, questions regarding balancing sorority life and school/work, questions regarding leadership opportunities, etc. Each round will be 25 minutes long. I am going to go to the bathroom. You do not want to appear unsocial in the corner on your phone. Ask about leadership opportunities in the chapter and what they are involved in on campus. You should know that sororities are always on the lookout for potential new members. It is rude to check the time during rounds and certain parts of sorority rituals may be shown during rounds, especially preference round, that should remain a secret. If they dont ask about your previous participation, take the initiative to change the course of the conversation and inform them of your volunteering experience. On this day of recruitment both sorority chapters and potential new members (PNMs) will need to make important, long-term decisions. For this example, lets say the quota is 60. Can new sisters participate in the members council. Well discuss this in more detail throughout the post, but essentially, Preference Round is the most formal out of all days of recruitment. And remember to bring your nametag to every round. I would immediately drop. A blog dedicated to helping college-aged women navigate college, sorority life, and post-college life. You vote after you meet all of the sororities on your schedule. What is the funnest thing that has happened to you while being in a sorority? By this round of recruitment, their ultimate goal is to make you feel like you belong with them. This round is more serious and a ceremony. They can answer any questions you have at any time and will guide you through your schedules during recruitment. These little gestures go a long way. Then you are evaluated based on your: You might not know that senior members are observing you during the sorority events like parties, skits, intramural sports, talking sessions, and more. Depending on what school you go to, sorority houses may be several blocks apart. Conversations will be deeper and more emotional than any other round. Mine was just a drawing of a palm tree (I used to live in Guam and love the beach) with the info on each leaf. You are in spot #61 AND used a SUICIDE vote only voted on Tri Alpha. The longer parties allow you to learn more about the sorority and what makes it so special. And its also the longest round of recruitment that will be broken up, in general, into 3 parts: On Pref Night, youll most likely talk to one Sister from the chapter you have already conversed with during another round of recruitment. This way you can observe the rush in sorority sisters once recruitment week begins. Each round will be 15 minutes long. 1. If you do not tell them how you feel you might get dropped. What do you talk about on Pref Night? Purchasing a product or service through an affiliate will earn me a small commission at no additional cost to you. What can their sisterhood offer you? The member will tell you why she joined the . They look to you to know how to vote. What is your favorite comfort food? You should not wear ripped jeans, sweatpants, or leggings. How else do they contribute to the community? 9. 2. Try not to talk about boys, partying, religion, politics, other sororities, or anything controversial or negative. Single preference voting gets a bad reputation. If so, how involved is your chapter with Dance Marathon? How do you see your sisterhood influencing your life after college? This round is more serious and a ceremony. But now you have the opportunity to win back the conversation and increase your chances of getting invited back the next day by asking the right questions. Option #1. You will find them at these events and where you can just walk up to somebody and start asking them questions. A lot of times during Pref, the members do a blunt vote. If only one sorority invited you back on Preference Night you have no choice but to single preference vote at the end of recruitment and hope your single preference vote invites you to their Bid Day celebration. 11 Common Final Round Job Interview Questions and Answers. You RECEIVE a bid to your #2 choice. The sororities have already shown you their philanthropy, sisterhood, and what they do for fun and now they want you to get to know them on a deeper level. There are no set topics you need to or will be expected to talk about during Preference Round. You should put effort into your appearance but dont worry about looking like everyone else. It should ONLY be used if you absolutely cannot see yourself in the other sorority. You will meet a variety of members during these rounds, so make sure that you get different opinions on areas that you are concerned about! 13 Tips for Introverts, The Ultimate Guide To Sorority Chapter Meeting Outfits. If you walk into Pref confident and know what you want out of a sorority, the members can see you as a member of their sorority. Will you be placed at the end of the bid day list? How do you balance sorority events while working or going to school? Plan your outfits. What keeps you committed to your sorority chapter? Your conversations are structured differently. Each sorority will have a different theme and there will be a little celebration where they give you a t-shirt and fun accessories and everyone takes cute pictures and has tons of fun. 2035 by Charlie Cash. And you are showing that you are willing and wanting to learn more about their sisterhood. You are encouraged to dress up more (nice dress and heels) and be on your best behavior during these rounds. How long is the new member program and how much time will I need to devote to it? Now lets go over three outfit ideas that are sure to WOW on Pref Night. Go up and talk to someone. Your Rho Gammas will explain this process, but essentially you just need to narrow down which houses you would least like to go back to and rank those at the bottom. University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Panhellenic Council. Try not to put too much emphasis on what your friends are saying or what chapters they may be invited back to. If you only get one bid (a formal invitation to join a sorority), that will be the chapter you are invited to join. (Don't make this one sound negative!) Before you go into any rounds of recruitment you should understand the basic rules. Make sure you ask any final questions that you have on this day! 3. After days of going through recruitment, youve finally made it to Preference Round! I prefer tea to coffee. Why is it Important to Ask Sorority Sisters Questions? You will not be given a Panhellenic t-shirt to wear during this round. Your shoes can be basics, like white converse or flats, but you should not wear heels except for preference round. Being a newcomer, you are excited to know more but lack the confidence to ask. Do other clubs join the chapters philanthropy? Because being invited to Bid Day to a sorority you already have bad vibes about is upsetting especially when you are surrounded by other women who received a bid to their #1 pick. Sorority recruitment, as a PNM, is an experience you will never forget. You have seconds to decide which group you want to go and talk to. Remember, if you and your friends go separate ways you can still be friends even if you join different chapters. Sorority recruitment is like a job interview, but way more casual, upbeat, and of course, louder. 2) What is it about Beta's sisterhood that you like the best? Sometimes there is light classical music playing. Occasionally, during your conversations with sorority sisters, there may come a point where there is the *dreaded* lull in the conversation. Do bring a pair of flip-flops to leave in your purse and change into during passing periods. Wearing a Gucci belt, Golden Goose sneakers, or a Cartier LOVE bracelet will not help you get a bid. Although most seniors give speeches, you can prepare for one too and tell everyone why you want to join the sorority and which house member you wanted to become and why. Popping on some glittery star earrings to complete my look. It is a commitment to be a fellow sister, to have each other's backs, and a big time commitment. . They want to know everything. If you have made it to Preference Round theres a high chance you will receive a bid to a sorority. Get to know the chapters a little deeper this round! Usually during this round, it is more formal, but wear whatever makes you the most comfortable! During Pref Night, the conversation you have with the Sorority Sister will be a tad different. On this night, the Sorority Sister you talk to may mention times her sorority sisters helped her through a tough time, the deeper reason why she joined her sorority, or what she appreciates most about her Sisterhood. There is a reason the sorority is asking you back to Pref they see you as a future member. The reasoning is twofold: A) Asking questions shows genuine interest and confidence B) It will help you evaluate the house objectively. Tell Me About Yourself. But if you have made it to Pref Night, you have surely won over the heart of at least one sorority who sees you as one of them. The focus of this round is philanthropy. Are there ways to get involved with your sororitys philanthropy after graduation? Making sure the setting is right is just as important as choosing the topics. Some examples of questions you may want to ask include: What do they fundraise? Many describe it as "the day where we show you why you want us", as compared to the first two days where they want to get to know you. In other words, it is unfair to discourage you from single preference voting when that may be the best option for you. One of them is a sorority governed by female students known as sorority sisters. My best recommendation is to pick the sorority where you can best see yourself. So be sure to list/rank both sororities on your MRABA in your preferred order. This is an easy and simple process but it is required that you get it done on time, as no late registrations will be allowed. Don't: Just Make Small Talk. Here are some things to think about when filling out those preference cards: 1. If you feel overwhelmed or behind, you want to watch this video. This round will last for 2 days and you will have short, basic conversations with many different girls. Start with asking general questions to find out what they are interested in. 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what to talk about during preference round

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